Platform. The everyday portal for sharing knowledge and intelligence on sustainability across Greater Manchester.


Decarbonise the City

Greater Manchester aims to become a global leader in a new kind of economics.  The world’s definitive industrial city marks out a new, sustainable path for its future. Under the banner of 'Decarbonise the City' this series of case studies outlines how Greater Manchester Combined Authority plans to embrace a low carbon future, become more competitive and future-proofed.

district_heat_spreads.pdf [PDF, 1.19Mb]
learning_spreads.pdf [PDF, 1.90Mb]
overview_spreads.pdf [PDF, 2.12Mb]
retrofit_spreads.pdf [PDF, 2.27Mb]
sixth_wave.pdf [PDF, 899.63kb]
vehicles_spreads.pdf [PDF, 579.64kb]