Vélocity victory: £20 million to support cycling in Greater Manchester
The grant will fund the first two years of the ambitious 12-year cycling strategy – Vélocity 2025 – which sets out ways in which cycling throughout the city region could be improved.
VÉLOCITY 2025 from Creative Concern on Vimeo.
In addition to the creation of new cycle routes, ‘Cycle and Ride’ facilities at tram and train stations and cycle facilities at a number of colleges and schools, money will also be allocated to cycling education and promotion.
The campaign aims to promote a culture shift in attitudes to cycling and will be based on work carried out by other European cities. It is hoped that by 2025 journeys by bike will account for 10% of all journeys made.
Projects now possible with the grant:
- Prestwich ‘City View’ Cycleway will link Manchester City Centre from Prestwich and Heaton Park through Crumpsall and Irk Valley. A link to Alan Turing Way will feed into a traffic free orbital cycle route.
- Ashton Canal Cycleway will be an off-highway route from Ashton to Manchester City Centre with links into Ashton town centre, Guide Bridge railway station and the National Cycling Centre.
- Mersey Valley & Stockport Cycleway will see a fully segregated cycle track linking Cheadle to the Corridor Super Cycleway and into Stockport Town Centre.
- Corridor Super Cycleway will be an improved on-highway, and largely segregated, cycle route from Wilmslow Road to East Didsbury with further links to the Trans Pennine Trail and Mersey Valley cycle paths.
- Airport City Enterprise Cycleway will be a new series of improved cycle links at Manchester Airport, adjacent to residential areas with links to Wythenshawe Hospital and the town centre.
- Bridgewater Cycleway will complete the final 4km of cycle route from Bridgewater Canal Towpath into Manchester City Centre. A link to Salford Quays will also be provided.
- MediaCity and Quays Cycleway will expand cycle routes to better link the Lower Broughton area via Salford University to MediaCityUK and Salford Quays
The bid was headed up by TfGM with the support of the district councils and key cycling organisations, including British Cycling, Sustrans and the CTC.
Greater Manchester authorities are already investing more than £50 million in a series of schemes to promote greener travel, including schemes to encourage more people to make sustainable transport choices for their commute.
To find out more visit www.tfgm.com/velocity
Contributor Profile

Joining Creative Concern from the education sector, Rachel brings with her experience of delivering a range of marketing activities including producing print and managing events.
Rachel graduated from Manchester University in 2008 with a degree in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies. After graduation she completed a training scheme in environmental regeneration with Groundwork, worked for Aimhigher Greater Manchester and in-house at Bolton College. She is currently supporting on a number of accounts including helping with Platform.