Help support Community Renewable Energy in Salford
Moss Community Energy Group has joined forces with Greater Manchester Community Renewables to launch a share offer to fund the installation of solar panels at Primrose Hill Primary School in Ordsall, Irlam Primary & Fiddlers Lane Primary in Irlam, and The Fuse, a community building in Partington.
This will save them money, reduce carbon emissions and inspire children (and grown-ups!) to learn about energy and climate change. Members who invest receive up to 5% interest on their shares, subject to the performance of the Society, and surpluses will go into a Community Fund to support eco-friendly projects in the local area.
To find out how you can help GMCR raise the £186,000 needed by the end of June to ensure that all four sites get their solar panels, visit www.crowdfunder.co.uk/gmcr The minimum investment is £100 and applications are welcome from organisations as well as individuals.
Please share with your networks to make sure everyone gets chance to be part of it.
Check out this video for more about the project:
‘Powering Up North’: changing our communities’ energy future
Contributed by Krista Patrick
Contributor Profile

Bert joined the Urban Institute at the University of Sheffield in 2016, and contributes as a scholar-activist to the Jam and Justice project, part of the ESRC Urban Transformations Programme. Key areas of the project include: collaboratively establishing 10 action research projects as part of an Action Research Collective (ARC); producing alternative visions for Greater Manchester; assessing the viability of co-production in challenging existing governance forms; and understanding the scalability of the commons.