The Great Leap Forwards: the Northwest's sustainability revolution
In The Great Lead Forwards a number of writers explore different aspects of the region's clean tech sector.
Kevin Gopal (now editor of the Big Issue) looks into the future at the innovations and technological breakthroughs that could help us achieve sustainability. He also writes a feature on the idea of using 'bioremediation' to clean up contaminated land sites.
Phil Griffin looks at sustainability in the construction sector, from argon-filled glass to grey water recycling and embedded renewables.
Mark Hillsdon examines the environmental sector and in particular the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are exporting all over the world.
Erikka Askeland writes about action on carbon and climate change across the region and Amanda Wood writes about the strengths in the region in the field of nuclear clean up.
Amanda Wright looks at the work that's been carried out to clean up our waterways from Salford Quays to the Mersey Estuary.
The Great Leap Forwards can be downloaded as a PDF below.
Contributor Profile

Steve is co-founder and CEO of Creative Concern. He specialises in ethical and sustainability issues, integrated campaigns, city strategies, brand development and creating strange installations out of trees, lights and beautiful type. Particular areas of expertise include climate change, place making, transport, food issues and the natural environment.