CONNECTED - The Energy Plan for Greater Manchester
As the 21st century gets into its stride a new energy future is emerging. Climate change, volatile prices and the availability of fuel are pressing challenges right across the world. Looking to keep the lights on and the economy working, Greater Manchester Energy Group bring to you CONNECTED - our strategic plan in the face of this uncertain future. Looking to 2020, the plan sets out the current situation, potential issues and proposed solutions for a more sustainable and secure energy future.
Contributor Profile

Helen's work focuses on her passion for people, taking her into the field of stakeholder engagement and consultation. Helen uses both qualitative and quantitative techniques to help her clients understand their audiences, effectively engaging with a range of individuals, from key stakeholders, to businesses and the community, including seldom heard groups. As an associate of Creative Concern, Helen has worked on variety of communications projects related to the environment, planning and sustainability. Helen was previously Head of Research and Consultation at Vision Twentyone, a full ser