The increasing risk of extreme weather and climate change: EcoCities report
Extreme weather and climate change risks pose an increasing threat to quality of life and economic competitiveness in cities across the world. The UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (Defra 2012) highlights the most significant climate change risks facing the UK over the coming century. Greater Manchester (GM) is no different.
Through this project, Jeremy Carter and Aleksandra Kazmierczak from the University of Manchester evidence and prioritise weather and climate change risks to the Greater Manchester Strategy (GMS). The project findings have the potential to strengthen GM’s adaptation response to the changing climate.
Contributor Profile

Helen's work focuses on her passion for people, taking her into the field of stakeholder engagement and consultation. Helen uses both qualitative and quantitative techniques to help her clients understand their audiences, effectively engaging with a range of individuals, from key stakeholders, to businesses and the community, including seldom heard groups. As an associate of Creative Concern, Helen has worked on variety of communications projects related to the environment, planning and sustainability. Helen was previously Head of Research and Consultation at Vision Twentyone, a full ser