Greater Manchester Natural Capital Group: GMSF Consultation Event
The Greater Manchester Natural Capital Group are holding a special event to find out more and join the discussion about the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (GMSF) consultation.
The city region has ambitious targets to meet: 230,000 new homes and 200,000 new jobs over the next twenty years to house and sustain our growing population.
But a more prosperous Greater Manchester, with an increased quality of life for its citizens, is only possible through sustainable development – and, of course, crucial to this is a thriving ecological network of well-managed, well-loved natural space and green infrastructure.
You can join the Greater Manchester Natural Capital Group at this event on Wednesday 30th November 2016 from 10.00 – 13.00 at Manchester Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA
About the Consultation Event
The GMSF is now out for consultation from 31st October to 23rd December 2016 and this is just one of a number of events being held to consult on the GMSF.
This is your opportunity to find out more about this important plan, the role and input of the Natural Capital Group, the thematic environmental policies focussing on Green and Blue Infrastructure as well as the Environment Evidence Base.
Your input will also be used to help shape the preparation of the Natural Capital Group GMSF response.
Who Should Attend?
This event will be of particular interest to Greater Manchester wide environmental bodies with a focus on Green and Blue Infrastructure including:
- Local authorities and public bodies
- Government departments and academics from leading institutions
- Businesses, business networks and environmental regulatory organisations
- Environmental and sustainable development organisations
To reserve your place, book online here by Wednesday 23rd November 2016. Please note that this event is free to attend and places are limited so early booking is advisable.
You can find out more about the consultation here.
Making Places: Greater Manchester's Spatial Framework
Contributed by Cllr Richard Farnell
Understanding the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework
Contributed by Jonathan Reynolds
Greater Manchester's Spatial Framework: Strengthening our Natural Capital
Contributed by Anne Selby
Contributor Profile

Krista has over 20-years’ experience of working as an environmental planner in the public, private and community sectors and joined the Greater Manchester Combined Authority as Natural Capital Coordinator in 2016.