FREE WEBINAR: Biodiversity Net Gain in Greater Manchester
What’s it all about?
On Wednesday 10th February (13.00 to 14.30 pm), Greater Manchester Combined Authority and CIEEM will host Biodiversity Net Gain webinar to find out more about embedding Biodiversity Net Gain within new developments, based on the UK's good practice principles for Biodiversity Net Gain (CIEEM/IEMA/CIRIA, 2016) and the associated practical guidance (CIEEM/IEMA/CIRIA, 2019), as well as Greater Manchester’s own guidance.
What is Biodiversity Net Gain?
Biodiversity Net Gain is an approach to development that leaves biodiversity in a better state than before. Where a development has an impact on biodiversity it encourages developers to provide an increase in appropriate natural habitat and ecological features over and above that being affected. It is hoped that the current loss of biodiversity through development will be halted and ecological networks can be restored.
Why attend?
The Greater Manchester Five-Year Environment Plan includes a high-level commitment to supporting the delivery of Biodiversity Net Gain across the city region. As part of proposals being brought forward by the Government’s 25-Year Environment Plan and the Environment Bill, all developments under the Town and Country Planning Act will need to achieve net gain for biodiversity of 10%.
Speakers include:
Dr Julia Baker CEnv MCIEEM, Biodiversity Technical Specialist – Balfour Beatty
Tom Butterworth, MCIEEM Technical Director – Ecology, WSP
Who should attend?
This webinar will be of interest to you already work with Biodiversity Net Gain or work in the environmental sector. You might be:
- A local authority officer (development management, strategic policy, and other departments such as estate management and parks) as well as Members
- A public sector body such as the Environment Agency and Natural England
- In the private sector, including consultants and their clients, ecologists, developers, funders
- A third sector organisation developing and managing natural environment projects
Booking information
Please note that this webinar is free to attend and exclusively for professionals working on the delivery of Biodiversity Net Gain in Greater Manchester. Bookings from other organisations may be declined.
To sign up for this free webinar please go to our Eventbrite page.
Other information
CPD accredited training sessions are also being delivered in February and March for officers and members from the 10 Greater Manchester local authorities. For further details, please email us at greencity@greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk
This webinar and training has been funded through the EU Life IP Natural Course Project.
Greater Manchester Confirmed as Pilot to Help Recovery of England’s Nature and Wildlife
Contributed by Jennifer Lane
Contributor Profile

Jennifer Lane is Campaign Manager for the IGNITION Project and Natural Course.