The Alternative? Beth Perry profiles Cornerhouse, a founding member of Manchester's Arts Sustainability Team (MAST) and details the emergence and growth of its 'green' credentials.
From Tripadvisor to Google Glass, the 8th International Conference on Responsible Tourism in Destinations will explore the challenges and opportunities currently facing sustainable tourism, reports Clare Wiley.
Margaret Bennett explains the background to the platform that is Platform and how it came through a partnership of Creative Concern, the University of Salford and the Gothenburg-based Mistra Urban Futures.
Bianca Manu interviews writer and Wellcome Trust public engagement fellow Dr Erinma Ochu to discuss alternative ways of achieving sustainable social engagement; citizen science and the benefits of partnerships between universities and community groups.
An update from the Sustainable Consumption and Production sub-group of Manchester: A Certain Future, focused on two food-related projects that are making good progress.
Henry McGhie, head of collections and curator of zoology at the Manchester Museum reports on the thinking behind the Museums’ Living Worlds gallery which reinvents natural history for the 21st century.
The Alternative? Mike Hodson profiles the Millgate Arts Centre and an example of how a volunteer-run arts centre builds capacity to install solar panels.
The third workshop in the N8 New Thinking in the North project considers how collaborations between arts and humanities researchers and creative and community practitioners might contribute to new models for sustainable living.