Platform. The everyday portal for sharing knowledge and intelligence on sustainability across Greater Manchester.

Clean Cities Agenda and the GM business context

The pro-manchester Green Economy group and Transport and Infrastructure Group have organised an expert panel to discuss what a Green Cities agenda actually means for Manchester and the wider local economy.

Hulme Community Garden Centre: fundraising fun for World Naked Gardening Day

The team at Hulme Community Garden Centre have been celebrating World Naked Gardening Day again, this time to raise funds as part of the Community Energy GM appeal.

Bruntwood branches out with planting of hundreds of trees

Bruntwood supports planting of over 250 trees, alongside key business partners, as part of Earth Day 2016.

Manchester skyline by Graeme Cooper

Sustainability emerges as a core theme in the shared vision for Manchester's future

Sustainable design, active travel and a low carbon economy all make it in as priorities for 'Our Manchester', the new ten year strategy for the city.

Axiomatic of Brunswick Park by Planit-IE

University of Manchester begins the re-greening of its campus

With the help of landscape architects Planit-IE and as part of its City of Trees commitments, the University of Manchester is bringing new green spaces into its £1bn transformation.

Environment Agency outlines recovery plans following floods

Storm-affected areas in the North to recieve £40 million to repair damage.

Community woodland management: Urmston Meadows

The Urmston Meadows Action Group has been working to transform local woodland and encourage the nesting of endangered Willow Tits with the help of Red Rose Forest and the Lancashire Wildlife Trust.

Crowd-funding success for Stevenson Square and Red Rose Forest

Following a successful crowd-funding campaign by Red Rose Forest, the first of its kind in Manchester City Centre, Stevenson Square has become a landmark for a pioneering greening project.

Tackling tree pests and diseases in Greater Manchester: Ash Dieback

Spotting the symptoms of tree diseases and reporting them is essential for the future of our woodlands. 

Harworth Estates are making trees their business

Harworth Estates is developing a country park in Bolton next to one of their biggest employment developments.


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