Platform. The everyday portal for sharing knowledge and intelligence on sustainability across Greater Manchester.

Greening Bolton

Three new and ambitious initiatives are, in their different ways, helping to bring a new green tinge to Bolton.

Inspiring kids and communities with nature in urban Manchester

A Forest Schools project centred on the Moston Fairway nature reserve inspires Moston and Newton Heath communities to come together and engage with nature.

A Tale of Two Cities celebrates at Everton Park

The Liverpool ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ team hosted a celebration event on July 18th that filled Everton Park with music, poetry, wildflowers ... and giant dancing bees!

An update from Heritage Trees

Red Rose Forest's Heritage Trees project has enjoyed great success over the last few months. Here, we fill you in on the story so far.

Hulme Community Garden Centre is growing with Kickstarter

Hulme Community Garden Centre wants to sow the seeds of development and build a new extension so they can continue to engage and inspire communities in Greater Manchester – and you can help!

Fracking protest image by JustinWoolford via Flickr/Creative Commons

Fossil fuels must stay in the ground, say climate leaders

Climate leaders in Manchester come out against plans to extend fracking operations in neighbouring Lancashire.

Your invitation to Manchester: A Certain Future's 2015 AGM

Manchester: A Certain Future's AGM is on 7 July at Manchester Town Hall with Sir Richard Leese opening and a keynote from Craig Bennett, the new Executive Director of Friends of the Earth.

Bees on top of Manchester Art Gallery by Len Grant

Manchester Friends of the Earth create fourth Bee World

On the 5 June 2015, Manchester Friends of the Earth (MFoE) celebrated World Environment Day by creating its fourth Bee World at Old Moat Primary School in Withington.

Waterway Magic: The Canal & River Trust casts a spell

Lynn Pegler explores the resurgence of the great British canal and the importance of maintaining its beauty and heritage.

Helping Manchester do as the Romans did

A Castlefield community group is attempting to crowd fund the development of a world-class urban space that ties together the 2,000-year-old Roman heritage of the site with modern day Manchester and they need your help!


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