Platform. The everyday portal for sharing knowledge and intelligence on sustainability across Greater Manchester.

Atelier at Piccadilly Basin

Manchester: Capital of the North's waterways?

Walter Menzies heralds the arrival of the Manchester and Pennine Waterway Partnership which has launched this month at the Lowry in Salford Quays and introduces its forthcoming 'manifesto' for the waterways.

Perspectives Essay: Understanding Sustainability in GM

In this Perspectives Essay, Roger Milburn argues that we need to we need to change our behaviour so that sustainability is embedded into everything we do.

Evolutionary justice across England's Northwest

From the archives: When the land is neglected, communities fragment and when our natural capital is plundered, regional partnerships stand ready to step in and help communities to helpthemselves, through environmental improvement. Originally published in Industrial Evolution in 2002.


Julia Stansfield and Carine Van Schie of the Manchester Triathlon Club take to the waters of Salford Quays. Photo by Len Grant

Future flows and the clean up of our waterways

From a coast synonymous with trade, to a dense and sometime factory-lined network of canals and rivers, the waterways of England's Northwest tell the story of a troubled, industrial past. Fast-forward to the 21st century, and they are rapidly becoming a central part of the social, environmental and economic renewal of the region.


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