Greater Manchester has reaffirmed its commitment to tackling air pollution by becoming the UK’s first member of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and UN Environment-led ‘BreatheLife’ cities network – with a pledge to meeting strict WHO air quality targets.
Leading practitioners from across the country attended the Greater Manchester’s Natural Capital Annual Conference in Salford recently, to discuss how best to adopt a natural capital approach in urban environments.
Michael Chang, Projects and Policy Manager at the Town and Country Planning Association discusses the extent to which the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework has set out strategic public health and healthcare priorities and needs.
Tony Lloyd outlines the importance of developing a cleaner, more sustainable Greater Manchester and how the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework can help us achieve this.
As part of the GMSF, the Natural Capital Group has set up a consultation event for GM wide environmental bodies with a Green and Blue Infrastructure focus, to be held on Wednesday 30th November 2016.