Platform. The everyday portal for sharing knowledge and intelligence on sustainability across Greater Manchester.

Grow Green Map

Nature in Cities – the First Emergency Service?

Sophie Shiel and Dave Barlow, Manchester City Council, explore our need for nature in the time of COVID-19 and beyond.

The return of the Manchester argus butterfly

An exciting reintroduction programme from Lancashire Wildlife Trust brings the Manchester argus butterfly back to its native home.

Close up Oak leaf

Groundbreaking ‘greenprint’ launched for Greater Manchester

All Our Trees is Greater Manchester’s tree and woodland strategy and quantifies the incredible value of the city region’s 11.3 million trees - demonstrating why we should protect them, and outlines where to plant more trees.

Tortoiseshell Butterfly by Charlotte Varela

Be part of My Wild Garden – Sign up now

Greater Manchester Combined Authority and Lancashire Wildlife Trust needs your help to make Greater Manchester a greener, wilder place to be.

© Business in the Community

How are businesses in the UK driving climate resilience?

Business in the Community’s Sam Hartley reflects on the role of business in climate resilience and nature-based solutions in our latest IGNITION blog.

Car-free in the twenty minute city

A vision for a car-free city centre has been outlined by a group of residents, activists and experts after two workshop sessions in central Manchester. The text below is the collaborative vision they've set out for a 'twenty minute city'.

UKGBC event at University of Salford

Greater Manchester Can Seize the Opportunity of Green Infrastructure

UKGBC’s Robert Winch reflects on the evidence base for green infrastructure, the challenges to its creation and opportunities available to accelerate this.

Peel Building University of Salford

Developing the Nature-Based Solutions Living Lab at Salford University

Dr Nick Davies gives us the very first insight into the University of Salford’s Living Lab.

The Top 10 Projects Greening Greater Manchester

Take a look at the best projects helping Greater Manchester adapt to climate change right now.

New trees along road

Greater Manchester to Invest Over £1.5million in New Tree Planting

The city region has secured funding from The Urban Tree Challenge Fund, matching existing resources, to plant both small saplings and large urban trees.


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