Platform. The everyday portal for sharing knowledge and intelligence on sustainability across Greater Manchester.

Co-producing sustainable urban development

Dan Silver and Amina Lone on why sustainable urban development must take a more pro-active and systematic approach to include the perspectives of people who live and work in communities.

Is Manchester really a Smart City? Discuss.

Chair of Downtown Manchester in Business, Michael Taylor, introduces the latest in a series of critical debates that celebrate and stimulate Manchester's intellectual heritage.

The Sharing City: new report by Friends of the Earth

An argument for ‘sharing’ as a sustainable foundation for participatory democracy and a transformative approach to urban futures, produced for Friends of the Earth.

Mapping the Urban Knowledge Arena report

We need the integration of existing knowledge as much as new knowledge and need to reclaim the right to the city for those that work and live within it. Beth Perry introduces a report from the Greater Manchester Local Interaction Platform based on a series of collaborative, cross-sectoral activities in 2012.

Urban garden, Biospheric Foundation, Salford

Turn Up the Volume: Food and the City

What role can urban agriculture play in the creation of sustainable cities?  Alex Wharton reports on Food and the City, one of a series of events held at the Biospheric Foundation during MIF13. 

Governing Sustainability in Greater Manchester

Beth Perry, Mark Atherton and Mike Hodson take a look at the governance of sustainability in Greater Manchester.

What urban capacities exist to develop sustainable urban futures, formally and informally? What do different policies for sustainable urban development look like in different countries? How do different stakeholders and communities influence policy formulation? What can we learn from sharing experiences between cities in different parts of the globe?

From litter-ati to liter-ati: the challenge of a low carbon culture?

Beth Perry reflects on the everyday concerns that Greater Manchester citizens have around sustainability. Not talking the language of carbon, she suggests, does not mean people are sustainability illiterate.

The Greater Manchester Local Interaction Platform

Beth Perry of the University of Salford introduces the work being carried out, supported by Mistra Urban Futures, to create Local Interaction Platform for Greater Manchester, dedicated to a fairer, greener and denser city.

Spotlight: Manchester's new Health and Wellbeing Board

As official figures released this week show residents in the North West are the most likely to die early, Helen Carter takes a look at a new statutory committee, the Manchester Health and Wellbeing Board, which was established in April this year.

Poverty Commission highlights plight of 600,000 living in 'extreme poverty'

The Greater Manchester Poverty Commission has published its report into the key components of poverty within the region, along with recommendations and practical solutions to help those that live in extreme poverty.


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