Platform. The everyday portal for sharing knowledge and intelligence on sustainability across Greater Manchester.

Q&A: Steve Johnson, Electricity North West

Steve Johnson, CEO of Electricity North West, talks to Mark Hillsdon about electricity generation and how the North West’s love of innovation is supporting the fight against climate change.

Hulme Community Garden Centre

Rachel Summerscales, the Centre Manager of Hulme Community Garden Centre, tells Alex Wharton about working with nature and balancing books in an interview for the GMLIP Realising the Potential of Community Hubs project.

‘Powering Up North’: changing our communities’ energy future

The ‘Powering Up North’ Community Energy Conference for the public sector and community energy groups took place on Thursday 26th February 2015 in Manchester.

Supporting good ideas for Manchester – #MakeMCR

#MakeMCR is a crowd-funding initiative that aims to create better places and spaces around Manchester by offering help and support to raise funds for projects.

Indian senior citizens centre

Chhaya Kanani, the Centre Manager of the Indian Senior Citizens Centre, tells Alex Wharton about reducing loneliness and isolation and the effect of cuts in local authority funding.

Manchester Town Hall

The making of the Greater Manchester mayor – what next?

Opposition to a mayoral model for Manchester overlooks a decade of innovation and collaboration that has delivered economic and social benefits for the region, says Francesca Gains, Professor of Public Policy at the University of Manchester.

MMU and MACF 'Tell Us' event

M:ACF, MMU & The Union MMU – ‘Tell Us’ event

M:ACF bring their second ‘Tell Us’ event to Manchester in collaboration with Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) and the Union MMU.


Making people laugh: Brinnington Community Association, Stockport

Alex Wharton talks with Maureen Dalton about Brinnington Community Association, its value to local people and the challenges involved in funding and organising social, recreational and educational activities at Brinnington Community Centre.

'The Langworthy Link' by Flickr user mwmbwls

The Cornerstone of community

Beth Perry talks to John Phillips, from Salford’s Langworthy Cornerstone about some of the challenges and joys of running a community centre.

Gavin Elliot, MACF

Q&A: Manchester: A Certain Future

Manchester: A Certain Future is the city’s recognition of climate change, and a commitment to take collaborative action. Clare Wiley speaks to Gavin Elliot, chair of the MACF steering group


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